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Submit Financial Posting


This API submits financial posting and has PROCESS action.

The following channels will use this API . Each channel has its own T24 version in the temenos system. Until the T24 version for the other channels are finalized, all the other channels use the existing default T24 version.

Mulesoft Request:


Mandatory Headers: x-channel-id, x-correlation-id, x-bank-id, client_id, client_secret

Optional Headers: x-sub-channel-id, x-user-id, Authorization, x-debug-flag, x-customer-id


URI Params: NA

Query Params: NA

Content-type: application/json


  "action": "PROCESS",
  "status": "",
  "ftNumber": "",
  "transactionType": "AC",
  "debitAccNumber": "4000921",
  "creditAccNumber": "4503234",
  "creditCurrency": "JOD",
  "creditAmount": "500000000",
  "debitValueDate": "20210107",
  "creditValueDate": "20210107",
  "creditNarrative": "",
  "debitNarrative": "",
  "customerRate": "",
  "customerNarration": "",

Mulesoft Response:

Success Response: (200)

         "status": {
            "success": true,
                "code": "200",
                "arabicMessage": "تمت العملية بنجاح",
                "englishMessage": "The Operation has been Successfully Completed",
                "backendCode": "00000000"
       "response": {
         "ftNumber" : "FT21039RBG1N"

Sample Error Response:

Please refer the HOME page for all possible combinations of error response codes.

Note: The 'errorCode' and 'backendErrorMessage' will be in the error response message only if 'x-debug-flag' is '1'

400 :

    "status": {
        "code": "T24003888",
        "reasonCode": "BadRequest",
        "arabicMessage": "Input data not found",
        "englishMessage": "Input data not found",
        "errorCode": "T24003888",
        "errorDescription": "INPUT MISSING"
